Opposite of Bullying

Opposite of Bullying It's all about Empathy This wasn’t the original post I planned for this week, but I thought I would write about something that is going on in my life. I’m sure you all, as my readers, won’t mind if I get down to a more personal level. I

Thelmas Story

Thelmas Story A Story about her Husband On New Years Eve 1985/86, while on holiday in Minden Ont., my husband got a headache and felt sick to his stomach. When three days had passed and he slept more than he was awake we decided to go back home and see our

Young Jason

Young Jason When he was little When Jason was very young he was a happy, outgoing child. Nothing held him back from saying or doing any of the fun things in life. He always had a smile on his face and was a joy to be around. As Jason’s physical disability

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