The I Have Resolve Foundation provides awareness, education, and works in support of inclusion for anyone who faces a physical, social, developmental, or learning challenge. We focus on education, as well as support inclusion opportunities for individual, organizational, school, as well as community needs for persons with disabilities.

Our goal is to promote shared opportunities to bridge the gap between those with and those without disabilities. We are committed to increasing the quality of social interaction, work to reduce isolation for those with disabilities, as well as focus on inclusion learning for all.

We believe in a mindset of we all belong. In belonging we live, work, learn and play together to grow, show each other respect and kindness.

Volunteer driven
Canadians affected by Disabilities
1 in 10 Youth affected by Disabilites
Canadians who can make a difference


To embrace all differences and bridge the gap between those with and without disabilities


To embrace all differences, participate in all life’s activities equally and ensure we all belong


To face the challenges together and be accepted for who I am


To raise awareness, promote caring and share with you our resolve for those in need


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September 9th is International FASD Day and the 2024 theme is Everyone Plays a Part.

Our board member, Cameron Kim O'Connor is passionate about spreading FASD awareness, and we believe strongly in his mission.

In doing so, we think important to share awareness information from the website.

Let’s encourage the people in our lives to take actionable steps to support people with FASD. Reflect on what you can do personally to support this movement on a wider scale. Taking time to do training, spreading awareness in your community or discussing healthy pregnancies with your loved ones can make a real difference in someone’s life. When many of us take these steps, society will change for the better. Our theme, Everyone Plays a Part, goes beyond framing FASD as an individual issue, as the impacts of FASD matter to the whole community.

Everyone plays a part in supporting healthy pregnancies. Everyone plays a part in shaping a society that is inclusive of people with FASD. Everyone plays a part this FASD Awareness Month!

Sharing a recent photo of our awesome team member Cameron O’Connor. Cameron celebrated his birthday this past Saturday. We celebrated him both online and in person. Thank you Jeff for popping in with a cake!

#fasdawarenessday #inclusion #inclusionawareness
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September 9th is International FASD Day and the 2024 theme is Everyone Plays a Part. 

Our board member, Cameron Kim OConnor is passionate about spreading FASD awareness, and we believe strongly in his mission. 

In doing so, we think important to share awareness information from the website. 

Let’s encourage the people in our lives to take actionable steps to support people with FASD. Reflect on what you can do personally to support this movement on a wider scale. Taking time to do training, spreading awareness in your community or discussing healthy pregnancies with your loved ones can make a real difference in someone’s life. When many of us take these steps, society will change for the better. Our theme, Everyone Plays a Part, goes beyond framing FASD as an individual issue, as the impacts of FASD matter to the whole community.

Everyone plays a part in supporting healthy pregnancies. Everyone plays a part in shaping a society that is inclusive of people with FASD. Everyone plays a part this FASD Awareness Month! 

Sharing a recent photo of our awesome team member Cameron O’Connor. Cameron celebrated his birthday this past Saturday. We celebrated him both online and in person. Thank you Jeff for popping in with a cake! 

#fasdawarenessday #inclusion #inclusionawarenessImage attachment

Raise Your Voice for Duchenne - we will forever raise our voice in honour and remembrance of Jason, for those who live with Duchenne, as well as for anyone who loves and cares for someone living with Duchenne.

This Saturday, September 7th, marks World Duchenne Awareness Day (WDAD), an important occasion to raise awareness for Duchenne. Around the globe, communities come together to shine a light on these conditions, highlighting the need for greater support, research, and care.

The theme for WDAD 2024 is ‘Raise your voice for Duchenne’, emphasising the importance of creating a society with equal opportunities for all individuals affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This year, we call on everyone to help amplify the voices of those living with DMD and their families, advocating for better diagnosis, care, and access to treatments.

#wdad2024 #workdduchenneawarenessday #treatnmd
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Raise Your Voice for Duchenne - we will forever raise our voice in honour and remembrance of Jason, for those who live with Duchenne, as well as for anyone who loves and cares for someone living with Duchenne. 

This Saturday, September 7th, marks World Duchenne Awareness Day (WDAD), an important occasion to raise awareness for Duchenne. Around the globe, communities come together to shine a light on these conditions, highlighting the need for greater support, research, and care.

The theme for WDAD 2024 is ‘Raise your voice for Duchenne’, emphasising the importance of creating a society with equal opportunities for all individuals affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). This year, we call on everyone to help amplify the voices of those living with DMD and their families, advocating for better diagnosis, care, and access to treatments.

#wdad2024 #workdduchenneawarenessday #treatnmd

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Love Jason, love you Jen, John and Jordan. Love and thoughts with you forever and ever.

Happy to share the first few Field Day photos we received from Greg Coman Photography. ... See MoreSee Less

Happy to share the first few Field Day photos we received from Greg Coman Photography.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Amazing!! Love it!!


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