Daniels Story

Daniels Story Living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy My name is Daniel Harry. I am 23 years old and have Duchenne muscular dystrophy. I have often found in my life that others have considered people with DMD, who achieve things in life, to be inspirational. I would like to challenge this belief


Limitless 7 Stories of people who refused to be limited Is it just me, or are there more and more global news stories about disabled people accomplishing feats that would be quite newsworthy for able-bodied people? I believe it is happening more and more, as modern attitudes about those who’ve had

Remembering Jason

Remembering Jason 3 Year Anniversary This past week marked the third anniversary since we lost Jason. We feel the passage of time but also feel that time has stood still. It is hard to put into words what life is like living without our son. Jason brought challenges into our lives

A Day on Wheels

A Day on Wheels Celebrating Sarah’s accomplishments Barnard College student, Sarah Kim, has never let Cerebral Palsy stand in her way. A Day On My Wheels celebrates Sarah’s accomplishments, determination and passion for life.

Mocking at the Mall

Mocking at the Mall To the Girls who mocked my Son at the Mall Last evening as I walked through the nearly empty mall with my two youngest, you five girls were behind us by several yards. We had just seen a movie and were in great spirits. We were walking

Canadian Education

Canadian Education Disability and Inclusion in Canadian Education This report provides a general picture of special education policies across Canada, and finds that the majority are more than 10 years old and out of step with current practices around inclusive education. The report also provides a detailed overview of inclusive education

What is Inclusion

What is Inclusion Whats it all about Inclusion is part of a much larger picture then just placement in the regular class within school. It is being included in life and participating using one’s abilities in day to day activities as a member of the community. For this story and more

Judys Story

Judys Story Our grandson was diagnosed with a life threatening disorder 18 years ago our family became aware that our grandson was diagnosed with a life threatening disorder. I had always felt compassion for others who were less fortunate health wise, but now, it was our family who was experiencing a

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